The Kaweco Sport-Series is a very popular line of pens – and I have recently shot an overview-video, which aimed at providing you with a glimpse on the standard-lineup.
Besides those standards, there also are some limited and/or special editions of the Kaweco Sport-pens here and there (see here, here, and here for some more recent examples – I could go on, but let’s leave it at that). The latest special edition release that Kaweco has made of the AL Sport is one for, which is called the “Night Edition”. And as the name might suggest, the pen is stealthy black as an unlit night. Weighing it at about 100 € it doesn’t come inexpensive, but hey: it’s a really cool pen!
Now let’s hop into the video-review – as always preceded by some quick facts beforehand. I hope the review is helpful and that you enjoy watching it!
Quick Facts
- Kaweco AL Sport “Night Edition”
- Special Edition – only available at
- Anodized and coated aluminium in, well, matte pitch black
- Available (glossy black) nibs: EF – BB (steel)
- Cost: 100 €
Video Review
Picture Gallery
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Thank you! Great Review. Regards, Sebastian
Hi Michael – just wanted to let you know that I pushed the button on the “Night Edition” on the basis of your review. Pen arrived this morning, and based on my use so far, I concur with all of your observations. I went for a F nib, and while it’s a fairly dry writer, I can see the pen being a fairly permanent fixture on my daily carry. Keep up the great reviewing work! Best, Paul.
Hi Paul! Many thanks for letting me know! Glad you like the pen so far. I carry it around with me pretty often as well. Love the Sports anyway, and the matte black finish really works for me. As to the nibs wetness: Maybe just open up the tines a wee little bit (i.e. if you know approx what to do 🙂 ). Best, Michael