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Hi there! My name is Michael, I live and work in Stockholm (Sweden), and I am the person that runs Scrively.

Scrively is the outlet for one of my long-time hobbies and personal interests, which is stationery, pens, note-taking and writing. What you will find here are product reviews and posts such as tips, guides and information that have to do with just that. All opinions voiced on these pages represent my personal view only and are entirely unrelated to and independent from any entity that I may otherwise be affiliated to.  

I hope you enjoy your time here on the blog – feel free to circulate and share what you found and liked here.

Bye for now and see you soon,


Do you wish to get in touch, ask me a question or leave some feedback? Maybe suggest a topic you would like me to cover or a product to review? Feel free to drop me a line. I will respond as soon as possible.

You may also contact me via one of the social media-channels or via email – see the options on the upper right corner of the site.