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Partners & Friends

Click on a logo to visit partner-/friend-site. Listing in alphabetical order.



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The people and companies listed above are individuals and organizations that I work together with on a regular basis. They are, however, completely unrelated to and have no influence on the opinions voiced on Scrively. I do occasionally receive review items from some of the individuals and organizations listed above. The reviews are, however, neither paid for nor influenced by anyone. Everything that is published on Scrively represents my personal opinion, which is subjective but informed.

If I love a product, I’ll say it. If I dislike it, I’ll say it too. The reason why entries on Scrively often may be rather positive in the overall tonality is that I rarely agree on reviewing a suggested item (or ask for one myself, for that matter), if I do anticipate that the product is sub-standard. This is simply because I do not like to waste my time. More often than not, my anticipations are not all that off track, which (probably) results in more optimistic reviews. This is all the magic there is.

If you would like to become a partner or friend of Scrively or suggest one of your products the be reviewed on those pages, please feel free to get in touch.