Here comes yet another installment of a video-series that I have started a while ago: the “Comparative Overview-Series” that already has quite a few episodes.…
Leave a CommentTag: Sailor Pro Gear
Both the Sailor Pro Gear and Pro Gear Slim are classics of the fountain pen world – and I have already given both of them…
4 CommentsIt’s been quite a while since the last installment of The Essential Fountain Pen Guide, which is a special video-series in which I aim for…
4 CommentsThe Sailor ProGear Slim is the little sister of the regular sized ProGear (reviewed here), costs about half the price, and by chance does also…
2 CommentsI have already pointed it out in other recent reviews, and I will say it again: For some reason, my product- and review-interests those days…
2 CommentsThere are a couple of grail pens out there that, as a fountain pen enthusiast (or blogger, for that matter), one just must have tried…
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